Wednesday, December 17, 2008

i've been tagged...oooo sounds so scandalous!

Meaghan blog-tagged me, so here we go:

1. Choose the 4th picture folder on your computer
2. Choose the 4th picture
3. Explain the picture
4. Choose 4 people to do the same

This is from my work computer, but how appropriate for the season. This is Kris (my sister) and I bowling on Christmas Eve 2007 on our traditional every-other-year Gibson family Christmas Eve adventure! We bowl like we mean it!

I don't really know of anyone who is a full-on blogger that I could send this to except Kristen. So Kristen and Rachel (oh you have one, you just don't use it!!;) consider yourselves tagged! You're welcome.


californiameaghan said...

i love that picture!

The Gibsons said...

SNOWFLAKES!!! (and even better, snowflakes that aren't wearing running shoes!) LOVE IT!!!

(that does not mean that i'll be reviving my blogging activity anytime soon. it died in dominica, along with my stories of scuba diving and rainforest hiking...sad...)

but whatever, you've got an awesome winter thing going...fabulous!