Thursday, February 24, 2011

the in between.

Okay Ladies. Well... and gentlemen, that all just depends. Please empathize with me for a moment. You know those times when your hair is kind of in that 'in between' phase, sort of growing out... sort of a disaster... sort of humiliating when you try and pull it back for a run, or yoga, or any workout? Uh huh. Please tell me I'm not the only one who goes through this phase? PLEASE!

Because right now my hair is about as awkward as a 13 year old boy. Need I say more? No. I needn't. Therefore, I simply leave you with the below photo and wait for your pity. I mean look at that, hair sticking up all nimbly bimbly, and of course it only gets worse the further I run or the longer a class goes.

Oh and yes, why this picture was done old school MySpace style. In the bathroom at work before my run. BAM! Yeop. 'Cause I keep it classy that way. I made sure to get the trash can in there for an extra touch of refinement.

Just be thankful I didn't take this sucker when my hair was in full-on-fluff-ball-curly mode. Trust me here. Good stuff. Fun times. Although I may go ahead and do that thanks to my utter lack of pride...


Indi said...

i think your full on fluff ball curls are adorable ;) seriously totally know what you mean. How is it that some people manage to look so great and put together even after running a marathon and some of us can manage to looks like a absolute bloody mess in like 3miles!! Conspiracy i tell you!!

Mark said...

HA! That's good stuff. Yeah, I hear about the "in-between" problems all. the. time.

I've seen you after races, and I have to say that I've never really noticed any extreme wildness. Guys just aren't that observant. At least it's pulled back. I wonder what it would look like if it was let loose to get really wild. You need a pic of THAT.

Marlene said...

I have a SHAG going on right now. It is not good and I can't decide if I want to snip it to a short bob again or let it grow out... I miss pony tails!!!

Laura said...

i just got mine cut and do NOT like it at all....I feel like a tweener...

RunToTheFinish said...

man i have the crazy fly aways all the time. for some reason i have these baby hairs that refuse to grow

D.M. SOLIS said...

Fun and fun-ny. I gave up and just let mine grow. I guess I'll let it grow as long as it wants to. It's only a pain when I go camping. Good luck with yours and with your running. Peace,


Agatha Pace said...

Greeat post thanks