Monday, February 14, 2011

nine weeks to oz. and um....

Well, all I can say for now is thank goodness I decided not to run the 'm' in April. I'm sure my mentality in general has changed since I'm not running it. But looking back over the past three weeks I have no idea where I could have mustered the energy and time to train for an 'm'. Literally. I think the past two months have been some of the most hectic of my life. But I made it through to the other side, with a vacation at what is hopefully the end of the insanity for awhile.

I had the best intentions to run during vacation last week. Annnnnd I ran twice. But I'm finding that some priorities are changing, and while I love running, I am not willing to sacrifice precious time resting or time with my family just to get a 10 miler, or even a 5 miler in. I'm just not at that point right now in my running life. And I am so okay with that. I am happy in fact. My body is thanking me.

So really there isn't much to say except wow, I hope I'm ready to PR in Oz. I have run so little the past three weeks that it's not even worth posting about. Although I did have one magnificent speedwork session on the treadmill before I left for my trip. The Lawyer was on the TM next to me, egging me on to do it even though I was whining I didn't think I could. And what do you know? I knocked out three one-mile repeats at a 7:40 pace at a 2% incline (that's about my 5k pace) and felt fantastic. Talk about a confidence booster!

Besides that, I felt the skiing I did and the rest I've had the past week have done wonders for me. I plan to get a quick run in with my all time favorite running buddy Milo (my dog) before a quiet valentines dinner this evening. The weather in Kansas turned beautiful, and I will capitalize, especially considering it was a blizzard here last week! Not that I was here to see it, I just heard things! You know, things like the Edder drove 13 hours (usually it takes 9) across this fine state in that blizzard to get to southern Colorado.... right. Bag of chuckles. Oh, Kansas. Should be in the 50's-60's all week though. Fabulous.

The last thing I've been meaning to mention on my little blahggie blahg is that while I have four half marathons planned between April - June, the Oz half is my main focus. With the Wichita half being my secondary focus. The others are just for fun. I've been meaning to point that out.

I HOPE to run a major PR at Oz. I haven't decided on my half PR goal, especially considering my training the past three weeks. Or lack thereof. Hopefully by next week I'll have a better idea on what I want to shoot for. I don't want to be too ambitious, but I also don't want to sell myself short in thinking I can't achieve my goal. Regardless, my PR goal for Oz will come to me eventually. I'll keep you posted.

Happy Valentines Day blahgesphere. I hope it's filled with a lot of love!


Mel -Tall Mom on the Run said...

Sounds to me like you have your priorities in order and Running is only a "part" of it... not all consuming.

Glad you took a BREAK!!

I watched Shrek Forever After last night...not sure why but I thought of you.. there was a quote and the Rumpelstiltskin character says "I'm the only smart one." Now that is a good quote.

HUGS and relaxed=PR in my book.. so says the Book of Tall Mom

Mark said...

Hey, I think you've got the right idea with the vacay. I feel like I could really use one myself. Even one day of pure relaxation would do me wonders, I think. And I bet you feel refreshed and ready to get back to the running this week, don't you?

Ron, running the wrong way. said...

Relax and run fast. Both can happen and good luck with them. I'm one state over and just restarted my running quest. I look forward to cheering on yours. :)

Indi said...

A little...and a lot of rejuvenation and R'n'R never hurt anyone! You'll be ready to kick Oz in the butt some April for sure!

Anonymous said...

"A PR in OZ" sounds like the title of a good book!

Breaks are always nice, but I am glad you are back!

Carlee said...

It sounds like you are doing exactly what your mind and body needs. Looking forward to hearing about your PR goal decision.