Wednesday, May 9, 2012

four weeks to hospital hill.

I'm still in it. The game of training for a half marathon, that is. I'm done with teaching classes for the semester, I'm home for the next month and my body is cooperating. All in all I think I'll be able to run--not race, mind you--the Hospital Hill half well enough. I'm just approaching this as a late spring half marathon to keep my training momentum moving forward into summer. My goal race resides in the fall months, so I want to keep my mileage up and my speed on the downward slope.

In other random, yet running, news. I have my next marathon slated. Finally. Some friends and I, after a lovely break from marathons, will make a return to 26.2 next fall. Chicago 2013. I'm looking forward to it already! I have no intention of running a marathon before then, but never say never.

My running this week is going well, and while I didn't get in much running mileage last week, I'm comfortable with the replacement workouts I had. Short and sweet, that is pretty much all I've got. VERY exciting, obviously.

Week Six of HH Training: 
Monday - 8 Miles
Tuesday - Hot Yoga
Wednesday - 3 Miles
Thursday - Surfing (killer workout), Biking and Walking
Friday - Intense 4 Mile Hike (about three hours)
Saturday - Surfing and Walking
Sunday - Airport people watching, not sure this burned calories


Indi said...

I'm bummed that I don't get to see you at HH. But at the Color Run for sure. Good see you've made you way back to a marathon in your own time. Keeping it fun is the key!!

KovasP said...

Surfing is one of the most fun intense workouts you can do. I'm aiming to try paddleboarding this summer as a possible replacement.