Friday, January 23, 2009

best part(s) of my day...

Teaching my very first college course and having it be..... well it got taught. Finally, masters degree at work.

Finding out the plumbing debacle that emerged in my kitchen and all over my wood floors yesterday afternoon was successfully fixed by Mr. Plumber this afternoon and didn't cost a bajillion dollars.

The fact that Ed's stomach flu has finally eased up and I haven't had a sign of sickness yet!

More to come, I promise, haven't had time to breathe. Exhausted. Must. Sleep. Now... How I haven't broken down in tears yet today is beyond me. It's been one of those days....

1 comment:

Oz Runner said...

congrats on being a college instructor...which college? My dad taught at Newman for 15 years.....are you doing a long run today (Saturday)? this weather is brutally cold....I'm planning to run with Adam, depending on the weather....