Monday, July 16, 2012

hanging up my hat.

I'm not sure if it will be for awhile, or for good, but after quite a bit of thought I've decided to hang up my blahgging hat. For now. I have a few posts I want to do to finish it all out (races from the past month mostly, and they are posts that will show up according to date: i.e. in the past). I'm only writing this because I wonder about bloggers that just randomly abandon their words. I didn't want to just randomly abandon my words.

So. I might be back, I might not. We shall see. This might last a few weeks, a few months, or forever. I'm just not sure. I will still run. I am forging my way into real triathlons  (not just indoor, i have my second one coming up soon) and moving along in my life in general. And for now, blahgging just isn't working for me.

As a last note, I have big goals to run a 1:45 half marathon this fall, in October in my hometown race "Prairie Fire." The training has begun.

If you want to peek in on my little life feel free to do so on twitter @fairwxrunner or on flickr @

Cheers to some fantastic runnings blahgesphere. I'll catch you on the flip side. Maybe later on around here, or maybe at some races in real life.